How To Get Rid Of Hickeys – 10 Easy and Fast Process

how to get rid of hickeys

And we all face this every other day. Those crazy moments of passion and lovemaking make everything so animated! But what about those love bruises and bites that refuse to go away? Some make desperate attempts to hide them in social appearances, and some suffer from the bruises becoming sore. So, how to get rid of hickeys and make life easier?

Let’s find out.

But be relaxed at first, and you need to tone down your lovemaking sessions because hickeys are usually harmless, and you will only need to see a doctor if it does not get faded in a few weeks.

What Is A Hickey?

What Is A Hickey?

Are you looking for “whats a hickey” on the internet? Hickeys are those purple, red, or blue marks you have got on your neck, chest, and anywhere in your body as your partner sucks or bites hard during lovemaking.

If you have sensitive skin, even a deep smooch or kissing can also cause a hickey.

Due to kissing and biting, the capillaries in your skin get injured, and bleeding occurs under the skin’s surface.

How To Get Rid Of Hickeys Quick?

How To Get Rid Of Hickeys Quick?

Unfortunately, there are no so-called treatments for hickeys. You have it, and you will find it gone in ten days or within two weeks. On a funnier note, by the time your old hickeys are gone, you will have multiple new love bites to take care of.

However, certain methods can make the healing process faster, and here they are.

  1. Get Rid Of Hickeys With A Toothbrush

Get Rid Of Hickeys With A Toothbrush

You don’t need to look for “how to get rid of hickeys fast toothbrush” anymore. I will tell you how it works.

Take a soft bristle toothbrush and gently rub it on your hickeys to improve blood circulation in that area. Move the bristles in various directions so that the blood clotted beneath your skin gets enough space to be circulated.

You can follow this process for five to ten minutes every day until your love bites fade. But always be careful about the pressure you are putting.

  1. Use A Cold Spoon Or Usual Cold Compress

Use A Cold Spoon Or Usual Cold Compress

This is the fastest thing you need to do once you have got a hickey. Keep a stainless-steel spoon in your fridge for a while and take it out. Now, press the cold spoon on your bruise. You can even apply an ice pack for a cold compress.

A cold compress will stop the blood from oozing out of your skin capillaries. Further, it will help you to manage swelling.

  1. Apply Peppermint Oil On Your Hickeys

Apply Peppermint Oil On Your Hickeys

If you want to know how to get rid of big hickeys, peppermint oil can be a good remedy. Thanks to the presence of menthol, peppermint can improve blood flow in that bruised area.

But peppermint oil needs proper dilution as it can cause severe skin irritation. So, mix one or two drops of peppermint oil with 10-15 drops of almond or jojoba oil to get a solution ideal for skin application.

  1. Use A Vitamin K Cream

The topical application of vitamin K and having food rich in vitamin K can make the healing process of hickeys faster. Vitamin K is very effective in treating coagulation and blood clotting issues.

You will find many vitamin K creams for topical applications, and food items rich in vitamin K are soybeans, poultry meat, leafy vegetables, etc.

However, if you are already taking any blood thinning medication, do not go for vitamin K creams or food items, as they can counteract the effects of that medicine.

  1. Apply Vitamin C Cream

Apply Vitamin C Cream

Vitamin C can improve the collagen production of your skin. With a boost in collagen production, the protective barrier of your skin will be more substantial and have improved elasticity.

So, apply vitamin C if you want to know how to get rid of hickeys overnight.

  1. Warm Compress

It has been quite a few days, and your hickey is still there. What to do? Try some warm compress to quicken the healing process.

Heat improves blood circulation in the bruised area, and applying a warm compress is easy. Wet a piece of washcloth with warm water, squeeze it, and press it on your hickey. Just be a little careful about the heat.

  1. Try Banana Peel Massage

Try Banana Peel Massage

Don’t throw away the skin of the bananas you have in the morning if you want to know how to get rid of hickeys.

Banana peels have a hell lot of antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients, and they really impact a soothing effect on the skin.

So, make a mash of the banana peels, apply it on the bruises, and leave it for around 30 minutes. Do it every day for the best result.

  1. Aloe Vera Gel Can Help

Applying aloe vera gel on your hickeys will alleviate swelling and inflammation and speed up healing. You can directly apply the gel collected from aloe vera leaves or the aloe vera creams available in the market.

Aloe vera gel is also very effective in getting rid of Sunburn.

  1. Use Arnica Cream

Use Arnica Cream

Arnica, as an herb, has been used in healing bruises and swelling for quite some time now. This herb has helenalin, which has a calming effect on the natural swelling response of your body.

So, you can apply arnica cream on your bruises on a daily basis until they get healed.

  1. Eat And/Or Apply Pineapple On Your Hickeys

You can apply a slice of pineapple on your hickey or love bites to make the healing process faster. This fruit has bromelain, an enzyme that minimizes soreness and pain. However, being high in acid, pineapple can also cause a lot of skin irritations.

So, a much safer option is incorporating this fruit into your salad. You can also have pineapple juice.

Final Thoughts

To be really honest with you, hickeys do not go away overnight. It will take some time to get faded. However, if you need to know a quick fix for how to get rid of hickeys, makeup seems to be the only solution ahead.

Apply your favorite concealer or foundation to hide those love marks if you need to attend a meeting on Monday after a wild and passionate weekend.

Don’t you think it’s a cool idea? And also share what you do to hide your hickeys.

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